So apparently there’s a thing where everytime somone updates their website looks or functions, they do a rewrite post to show what’s new. I think I’m a little late to that now, but since I’ve just finished my 5th theme change, I’ll go ahead and document that. The good thing about using git for my website is that I have a list of all my changes, so maybe I’ll do a full history of this site someday.
Anyways, new stuff:

I’ve changed the theme from hugo-bearblog to hugo-bearcub. Even though bearcub is a fork of bearblog, it adds a lot of accessibility features like skip-to-main when tabbing and bigger spacing between interactive elements. The main reason I swapped though is because I was curious about a setting to use “Herman Martinus’s version of the Blogster Minimal theme for Astro”, which is quite a way to say a whole new seperate theme. This turned out to be way more modern and clean looking, and gives me a new way to customise colors with link highlights.
Also, I’ve sucessfully requested a url change from qqwui to, which should make it way easier to give my website to people irl, as well as being more memorable in general. The old url will still redirect to my current one though. Shout out to Eryn, who manages, for making this work!
Finally, I’ve added badges/buttons to my homepage to all my favourite sites I’ve found so far. I don’t really have friends who have websites rn, but if I find any with some, or if I convince my other ones to, I’ll add their’s too.
The dates on the blog listings are when I started drafting them. I’m gonna start filling out publish dates too from now on, as well as for all the posts I’ve already made.
My last post was close to 2 months ago now, but I have tons of posts in the backlog I’m still writing and editing. I’ve been pretty busy with uni so I’ve been working slowly. I hope to release all those articles sometime.